Thursday, May 19, 2005
Year 3, Day 60 not a swimmer musing Thursday May 19, 2005
+8C, calm, cloudy
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watching a big doe upwind of us . . studying us . . bounding a little on 4 springs . . observing . . bounding some more, then gone as quickly as she came; incredible design, remarkable beauty – 1 winded dog & I return for breakfast – the morning walk exhilarates
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am I a witness to events, am I a participant in events . . . or am I the event ?
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are you a witness to events, a participant in them . . or are you the event ?
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sitting on the sidelines is safe, an easy vantage point – or so it seems
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but that’s not necessarily safe or smart either
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ships are usually safe in a harbour, but that’s not what ships are for [I can’t recall who made that great metaphor] . . . but it seems so true to me now
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these past few weeks the creative urge to do something in the area of internet-business keeps surfacing; not to the point of abandoning my primary livelihood – but more than just wondering out loud if such an adventure makes sense
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my inclination is that it is riskier not to do something than to sit on the sidelines watching 15-25 yr olds having all the fun simply because they understand the technology
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35 yrs of experience + some understanding of technology + some good ideas + some clever collaborators = risk/reward/thrills/spills/opportunity/choices/
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I think I’ll put my toes in the water; correction, I think they are already in the water – maybe, better said I am toying with ‘both feet, deep end of the pool’ which mixes excitement, adrenaline & fun with fear of drowning
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did I mention I am not a swimmer ?
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thanks for those who responded with dog training ideas for MRK; they have been passed along
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I am having lunch today with JD who I first met in 1969; first time we will have seen each other in 31 years; some catching up to do !
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