Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Tuesday May 24, Year 3, Day 65 forward looking statements musing
+9C, partly cloudy, light breeze . . . my morning walk each day rarely changes; leaves rustle in breeze freshened by overnight rain, Gusta’s goofing around distracts from the serenity as we walk this familiar path
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another windy game yesterday – great fun though; 90% of golfers are men . . so what do those jocks think when they see me stroll around the course with 3 women in my foursome? . . lots of laughs with AW, CC & JR yesterday . . but, a weekend of golf required some catching up on the work pile; a near-all nighter makes for a slow start today
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if you could travel forward or backward to live in a different time, a different era, what would you choose ?
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while some periods like the Renaissance, the wild west, or riding on the Nina, the Pinta or the Santa Maria would be interesting for a short visit, if I had to take up residence at a different point in history . . which way would I go ?
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I would travel well forward in time; so I could look back with great interest on the early 21st century to see how we did - watching with interest to learn when we solved cancer & other diseases, when we dissolved militarism, when we developed the ‘already trained golden retriever puppy’, when the US border opened again to Canadian beef & when the Brits did away with the monarchy
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Queen Elizabeth & Philip visit Calgary today & then fly home . . ho hum
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hum ho
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