Monday, May 30, 2005


more May 30 response

Hi Mark. I have enjoyed musing and I hope that the teacher from the UK has found what makes her happy. In contrast to her, the good things in my life, and the fun things, all in some sense result from choosing stuff that made me happy while I was at the same time thinking ahead and acting cautiously. In my life when I agreed to act without regard to the future (she mentions "spend all my money"), I as a result missed opportunities. My experience is that moving on in life does not always obliterate negative consequences, the consequences grind on. Choices that respected the future left me with a sense of peace then and led to expanding good things over time. Interestingly, there were persons in my life who implied that acting without caution was essential to happiness and they were all teachers, maybe educating the young leads people to emphasize the benefits of spontaneous actions in their speaking. LH

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