Saturday, May 28, 2005


more May 28 response

I was in Kamloops last week. My Dad is terminally ill. Cancer - seems to be the topic of the times- has taken over more of his body. Had to place him in the hospital, then perhaps to palliative care, but he won't be returning home. After 66 years of marriage, as he was wheeled away from my Mom, that was truly the saddest parting I've ever experienced. Their love and strength is overwhelming. The amazing thing is that my Father and Mother now, more than ever feel the comfort of the love from family and friends. What goes around truly does come around. At the ripe old age of 92, my Dad is still fighting to enjoy this earthly existence, on good days cracking us up with his wonderful dry humor and other days just not present at all. But I celebrate him each day and am thankful for the love and knowledge he has shared. I am fully aware that to have my parents for this length of time is truly a gift many haven't had. There is always so much good in sorrow...... just not always clearly visible. Am off for a weeks vacation to Fairmont and area. Hope you have a glorious week carousing with Gusta in the sunshine. Cleo had her first dip into water at Fish Creek Park also. A great place for dog-paddling baptism. Enjoy., MW

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