Hello Mark! I get a tickle out of your descriptions of you and Gusta! Today's musings have struck a chord. Life is so fragile and so precious. I work in an industry that deals with death and illness, but somehow when it touches you it seems so very real. I had the honour and the pleasure to know two very good men who have both lost their battles with illness over the past week, one on Friday the 13th and one on Saturday the 14th. One to lung cancer, an illness that made him and his family stronger in their love for one another, the other to a heart problem that totally stumped the Doctors two years ago, and one where they constantly said, "you are a primecandidate for an 'event'", nice ...he knew basically he was a walking time bomb, just no idea of when or where. What he feared most happened in his photography studio on Saturday, a massive heart attack. Both men were loving husbands with amazing women as their wives and children who appreciated them, a rarity into today’s world at times. Great community representatives and good business people...fair and honest. They will be greatly missed by all who knew them. The hardest part for me is I am 3, 500 kms away and cannot be their to lend my support to those who they've left behind. My thoughts filled with sadness and yet with happiness that I had the opportunity to know them as my life is richer for it. We forget, just how fragile we really are, and perhaps that is a good thing as we don't dwell on death, however it knocks on all our doors, and 62 and 58 are just to darn young to die. They are both in a better place, free of pain, they have slipped the surly bonds of earth, god bless them both...KL
Congratulations Mark!, It's nice to see you on the web. I'm looking forward to visiting your Blog and seeing what worthy and wonderful witticisms you wish to share with us!, JS
Congrats on the BLOG. I enjoyed browsing past Musings. I especially enjoyed reading "About You". Not sure if I am "hot" enough for you to tolerate my cat....guess it will have to be your place, not mine., VL
I had to chuckle when I read DL's question for JT because I was thinking the same thing, but didn't say it!, LW
Good Morning Mark! I too was struck by that line from "Shall we Dance" and it resonates still - it struck me that part of our grief from loosing a loved one whether through illness, accident or divorce was we lost our best friend and the witness to our life - the history of ourselves to be shared and reminisced over at a later date - I enjoyed the stained glass window thoughts by Ms. Kubler-Ross - my own tend to equate life to a kaleidoscope - ever changing - never duplicated and irreversible - I've enjoyed your musings lately and not made comment due to workload but did want to add my congrats to the long list on your new companion "Gusta". SS
Congrats on your Blog! Looks great, GL
# posted by Mark Kolke @ 1:13 p.m.